We ALL know the way

A Seeker of Truth.com


A Site for all Seekers of Truth

This Website is brand new, I will be accepting comments in the near future, in the mean time please check out my Mother site which will also lead you to some of my other sites, I hope you enjoy yourself.



Integrity and Truth


These are important values to someone that is not afraid of the reality in their life, recently Fox news has fired Tucker Carlson which many see as a horrendous mistake,


I personally am intrigued by this decision because of how much money Tucker brought to the company, to the tune of over a half a billion dollars a year,


this decision would be one that should be making a big statement in itself, by removing someone that is popular because he supports various conspiracy theories and a great variety of falsehoods,


this tells me that possibly this network is considering changing its ways and possibly is shooting for some integrity, in the light of these law suits with Dominion and other companies, they seem to be realizing that they are having to become responsible for what they have said and supported,


unfortunately, much of their income has been coming from truth deniers that wish to hear what pleases them instead of the truth, the far right is who has been buttering Fox's bread and this will soon come to a halt if they begin to start telling the truth,


if this indeed is what Fox is doing, this will be the beginning of the end of the enabling of those that insist on hearing what they want to hear which includes the denial of truth in general,


as for Tucker Carlson, he has made attempts at showing some integrity in the past and has been shown that it is not profitable especially when his efforts are focused at the far right, now is a good time to make another effort to try his hand at some integrity,


if not, he can always go to News Max and the like or even to Russia as they have also shown an interest in him, he can also start a pod cast and align with the other truth deniers and falsehood spreaders,


in the mean time Fox is trying to cope with a modified format and still appeal to the far right, as of yet I am still unimpressed and steer away from the mixed bag of tricks they are trying to get the public to swallow,


I still do not fully understand why the republican party is playing the role of stupid bad guys, what ever happened to Reagan type republicans who's ideals were so much less stupidly radical,


they are most definitely going to have to do better than Carlson, Trump and De Santis who is just mimicking Trump and the Trump way of revenge such as attacking Disney because of their exercising their 1st amendment rights,


I happen to agree that there is no place in schools for assigning gender recognition to 8 and 9 year olds, this should be left to their parents, most 8 and 9 year olds are more interested in just being children and don't need gender assignments forced upon them,


DeSantis should have just asked Disney what they had in mind instead of attacking our states livelihood, it seems lately that most actions performed by politicians are just to make statements as to how different and powerful they are instead of catering to the interests of their constituents.

How Americans choose their President


     Americans like strength and they like to be comfortable to the point of not worrying if war is going to break out in their own country,


when you have someone that says crazy stuff and is supposed to be the head of a party that is working their way to being rid of our democracy, you begin to think twice about who you want running our country,


I know that I don't want someone that admires our unstable enemies and doesn't trust our own democratic process because it doesn't deliver what he wants, someone that is more interested in revenge and payback more than he cares about the stability of the world in which we live,


he only appeals to the very rich where he has promised to lower taxes of what their fair share may happen to be, all of it together is becoming quite frightening,


even the supreme court justices that have been appointed by him and his kind are trying to make the president untouchable for any and everything he may happen to do and allow bribes after the fact to be considered tips for a job well done to become a part of the new norm of corruption,


Americans need to wake up and purge the senate and congress of this infection and limit the terms of these justices and hold them accountabe for their actions,


it pains me to attack the republican party because I am a registered republican and really admired Reagan as our president and he was a great governer also but the GOP is now broken, what was once the 'Grand Ole Party' is now the "Gang Of Pariah"


they have sold out their values and have embraced the greed of power where the party comes before the needs of the people, if you do not believe this you might like to take a look at Project 2025 where they have laid it out for all to see, for those that don't wish to read the over 900 pages that it entails, here is a link to a compressed version that gives the highlights,


Trump seems to be distancing himself from this but he has hit on most of these subjects in his speeches and interviews in the past, he also does not want to be connected to it whatsoever,


if this really bothered him as much as he would have you believe he could just ask those republicans to take the site down and you know they would do it because he runs the republican party,


but we all know this isn't going to happen, so if this is what you want our country to turn out as, be careful, you may attract all of these aspects into your life if you choose the wrong person to be the president,


the ball is now in your court, so make the right decision as to how you wish your country to turn out, make sure you vote this November 5th.

How Social Media affects Society


When you have chosen to go all in on some thread that you are following on your social media you may choose to spread these ideas to others that are not a part of your particular social media,


there may be an emotional content that pushes you towards this and without giving it much thought you start to spread this newly attained data,


little that you know, this information has been contrived by bad actors that are trained in propaganda and its probagation,


you trust your social media but really have no idea who or where these people are that are supplying this information, you just know that they have similar thoughts on a different subject and now you have become a follower of theirs,


now this doesn't even need to be a problem when you have social media company owners like Elon Musk with his new toy he calls X,


He will allow contrived and modified videos that would otherwise not be allowed and or normally be removed to continue if it meets his political agenda,


so it would seem that Mr. Musk has weaponized his social media company for political gain and he is absolutely alright with it,


unfortunately, others do not recognized this problem and the misinformation is allowed to continue, in either case, probaganda is dispursed and the unknowing recipients pass it on to others thinking that it is valid,


it is understandable in the case of Elon Musk because he runs businesses and does not want to pay his fair share of taxes and has the power and means to make his agenda come about,


but the foreign powers that inject their own misinformation are like infiltrated spies that are able to do damage that would otherwise be ignored if people didn't do their due diligence as to what is being shown as fact on their social media,


it is unfortunate that otherwise smart people would fall for such obvious stunts, it has become plainly apparent that all forms of social media cannot be trusted especially when some sort of agenda is able to be spread in such an easy manner,


I will just stick with Fact Checked news outlets for my believabe information.

How can I get my Spiritual energy back



I am a Seeker of Truth, I have been seeking truth for almost 50 years and am hoping to be able to help all of you to do the same,


I am but one drop in the ocean of humanity that mingles with all of you in order to understand what it is and why it is that we are here doing what we do.


There are many of you that do or wish to do what I am doing, you are seeking answers to many questions that perplex you, there are many ways that this may be accomplished,


though it is not necessary to believe in God or the Tao, there does have to be a belief in your true self in order for any progress to be made,


The True Tao Cannot Be Spoken


there is an intelligence within us and all around us that is illusive but hopes that we recognize its existence, we are all part of it and it is all a part of us,


we need to be able to relax our preconceived beliefs and let go in order to be able to make the best use of this power,


we all have competition in this seeking adventure and it is US, our material selves that live within the senses try to convince us that there is nothing more than meets the eye,


our spiritual selves have no limitations as our material selves have, this is the part of us that we need to take notice of and learn from,


our material self has all of the advantages going for it, the senses are its tools that it wields in order to sway us to its thinking,


it is native to the 3-dimensional environment in which we now live and will deny any existence other than its own,


God or a higher self is not in its agenda because it is not of the senses and is not even material in existence, its control of the ego is all that it wants, period.


The Ego can be convinced of the existence of a true self or spiritual self and can be trained to remove some power from false personality (material self)



As we all have our own version of the truth, this is driven by our material needs and spiritual beliefs as our emotions guide them,


a subjective truth is what we believe according to our material needs and how our emotions seem to deal out our priorities,


if what someone says attracts us for whatever reason, we may label this the truth or if it strikes us as something else, we may dismiss it as a lie,


our subjective selves tend to be skewed, and cannot always be trusted, our duality makes a game of push and pull in how we prioritize the meanings of statements or opinions,


our physical, material selves tend to cater to the senses while our spiritual selves have much loftier goals,


by creating an objective self, we are better able to discern facts from fiction, this is most effective in our physical existence when a possibility of proof can be obtained to some extent,


whereas in the spiritual realm, truths are seemingly always subjective and cannot always be proved or disproved either way,


Is Reality Subjective?


there may be the argument that there is no evidence to back up spiritual beliefs, and physically this may be true,


but spiritual beliefs are not of the material world and cannot really be judged by material views,


they endure because they are of a personal nature that has little to do with anyone else's beliefs,


the creation of a separate, objective self can be accomplished by pretending that you are another person that is outside of any particular situation that only observes without bias or thought of personal gain,


this person must be detached from your ego and material self which will sway you towards what your false personality may believe,


it shall take what you observe and what you feel for what ever reason and let it be known to you,


hidden meanings and agendas will become apparent and a freedom will come that allows you to perceive what actually is, rather that what you may have thought you believed,


deep seated beliefs , prejudices and fear based dogmas will become visible and then they will be able to be dispersed and replaced by a more truthful representation,


many people are easily swayed by emotion and are distracted by alternative agendas other that what they need to see and understand,


preconceived notions and third party interpretations will color your truth as to what your ego wants to believe,


in physical situations proof either way may be available but is usually ignored because of the emotional control of the ego.


Stay detached, and become more able to see clearly what is going on.

How Might I tell the Truth from Lies in Media?


The Media is a very competitive industry and when the majority of factual information is covered by major networks, that leaves an opening for non factual conspiracy types of information to be passed along as fact,


as an example I will use the GOP and their fragmented party of Republicans, I loved Reagan as a governor and as a president but the Republican party has changed and has torn itself apart,


Our previous president has abused his power to sway millions to believe his big lies and the Republican party is following suit because of greed, power and fear,


a few Republicans have held their ground and have sided with the truth and have been labeled traitors and threatened and harassed for their integrity,


some of the media outlets have taken advantage of this unpopular stance and have decided to side with the liars because the numbers tell them that there is more money in conspiracies, boat rocking and lies than telling the truth and using genuine journalism,


Fox News, News Max and One America are slicing up this pie of dis information while abusing our first amendment rights all in the name of the almighty dollar,


they abhor fact checkers and twist every sound bite into information that they spread out of context to further their agendas,


firstly, recognizing that the republican party has been greatly fragmented shall show you that something is horribly wrong,


being divided, they shall not survive for long and these 3 media outlets are taking advantage while they can,


their bias skews their validity and as far as I am concerned they can no longer be trusted in the way of truth,


Origins of Evil


I will not even watch them for weather predictions and I suggest that everyone that values the truth will do the same,


the type of reporting that they now do are only opinions to advance their agendas,


there are still plenty of reputable media outlet that value the truth over all else and have actual journalists as opposed to glorified shock jocks,


what amazes me the most out of this is that so many people choose to believe just one person that is a proven liar over the vast majority of their fellow country men,


possibly it is because they are so much like him and hope that his deranged ideals become the nations norm, nevertheless, anyone interested in peace and the truth and justice should not follow him and those that support him,


this is not to say that all of these other media outlets are infallible, but at least many inconsistencies are mostly simple mistakes and are not orchestrated out of lies from the get go,


even the conspirators are becoming tired of the same old lies and his power is waning, some day these 3 media outlets will return to reality and become worth paying attention to,


but not when their agendas are still so painfully obvious, an investigation into which news outlets have won awards in journalism will present a good starting point when you are seeking the truth,


high standards are still being maintained in the news, it just has to be searched for a little harder.

How can you determine the Truth from an Opinion


Everyone has an opinion about everything, just because someone is or was in a position of power does not make their opinions fact, this in fact would point to that particular person having an agenda to back up their opinion,


factual truth can be backed up with hard evidence, when more opinions are presented to back up other opinions it is becoming quite apparent that something is wrong,


this compounds when emotion and distraction are used to confuse and confound, listening to a single person's opinion and that same single person's explanations limits your perception greatly,


people get caught up in something that has no basis in fact and cannot be proven as such but are talked into believing the reasons that are given because they have chosen to keep listening to that one person or another that also only listens to that one person,


they have chosen to have no reasoning process of their own and end up being at the mercy of the one individual and what they say as their only source of information,


to make things worse, there are news media outlets that have also chosen to follow this one individual because this is the only profitable course for them to follow even if what they say is not factual,


do not worry, this is not a lost cause, just stop listening to this one individual and those that have sold out to the mighty dollar and pursue the other 80% of media and search out the fact checkers and trust in the moral majority that actually believe in hard evidence,


this will bring you back to reason, the conspiracies amount to no more than an attempt at domestic terrorism and should just be ignored, if they really amounted to anything the reputable news outlets would pick them up as real news,


the agendas of these liars that prey upon the emotions of the loyal patriots of our country have twisted the truth to meet their agendas of power, greed and misinformation,


they need only be ignored for reality to retake the ground that has been diverted, when it comes to spiritual truths and spiritual opinions, you must rely on your intuition to help with your beliefs,


there is very little hard evidence that can be realized when it comes to spiritual opinions, techniques differ and every ship has a different course,

you may also test some of your spiritual beliefs which may take many years, if you are fortunate, something enlightening may happen to you that will make this much easier,


Just remember, don't be a groupie and think for yourself, wisdom and truth is not a commodity wielded by the rich and powerful, it is learned from many others that have these traits without agendas.

How is the Truth of the World Accessed?



World truth can be a shared experience or a fragmented experience, the accumulated knowledge of mankind is more sparse the further back it goes, facts may be obtained but the truth about certain details will always be sketchy,


the media lately has made this quest even more difficult with their individual agendas designed to snag the biggest audiences, this leaves the truth mostly cloudy at best, this is a dangerous venture as it is not currently realized how people perceive what they express as facts,


the now civil unrest is a testament to how the media has abused its position by pushing specific agendas to maximize profits, true journalism is something that must be sought on one's own,


unbiased views must be discerned carefully to be assured of its validity, Fox news has decidedly chosen to play on both sides of the tracks, they are clearly anti democrat and tend to support what ever has the most controversy,


their only true news makes up what people really do not care about, I tend to ignore everything that comes out of Fox News so there is little chance of being duped, Fox is a rich company and is able to pay to run its stories, if it says Fox, it gets passed,


Truth, Evidence and Paranoia


it seems that all of the far right news outlets have lost touch with reality and appeals to those that tend to believe in conspiracy theories, they know exactly what they are doing and tend to stop when they get sued,


they abuse the first amendment and drag our democracy through the mud and call it journalism, what you decide to watch and consider the truth is what forms your character, it is what makes you, you,


being complacent in what you view from just one source and accepting it as the truth, narrows your perceptive abilities, you have been baited and are now snapping at the worm that dangles before you,


you are forgoing your free will for someone else's version of facts in the guise of opinion or visa versa, it is simple to fact check and listen to other views, some are based on conjecture and opinion and others are based on fact and can be verified,


if you are willing to be led to believe something by having your emotions inflamed and are buying in to self serving ideas clouded with ideas of patriotism and confused sentiments, you are not truly paying attention to what bottom line is being pressed upon you,


these tainted news outlets may come to the realization that people appreciate the truth over agendas of greed, but as far as I am concerned, it will be quite a while before I forget what they have done and tried to do and will stick to non opinionated news for my truthful facts about the world.

What News Sources are Unbiased?



This is something that can never be because the news sources that use facts and true investigative reporting will always be biased towards the truth,


it is not that Fox News is biased towards the right and MSNBC is biased towards the left, it is that Fox News is an opinion outlet and MSNBC is an actual news station,


it may not seem fair that the Republicans are always seeming to be picked on and are portrayed as being deceitful, but that view seems to be supported with the most facts,


Fox News has a larger viewer base because it attracts more of those that need some sort of validation for their faulty, corrupted views,


if you think about it, 2.5 million viewers is rather paltry when the US has a population of over 325 million, Fox news is a mis-information station as far as I am concerned,


their main goal is to try to discredit anything democratic, they seem to support all of the radical ideas that are going around, Tucker Carlson for example has no intentions of speaking the truth as he may view it,


his opinions are crafted to create the most controversy as possible, this is done solely for ratings, what Fox does not realize is that people actually believe what they put out there,


it is like taking advantage of a mentally handicapped person purely for material gain, their views on Russia's invasion of Ukraine only works to help Russia's propaganda as if they needed more false information supporting Putin,


basically put, the Fox network is nothing more than media whores that will do and say anything for money and ratings even if it destroys democracy and every fiber of trust that they may have ever had,


supporting Russia in this case is a big mistake on Fox's part, comrade Carlson has gone just too far in the support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine,


this will end up putting the last nail in their popularity coffin, it seems now that it is easy to choose right from wrong, if you are a radical that cares nothing about the truth or democracy then Fox is for you,


yes, there is a bias, and if you can't recognize what side you should be on then truth is not in your best interest.

What is the Truth that sets you free?



There is a difficult truth that has the ability to set you free, actually it is many truths that many of us refuse to accept, it is the truth that attacks our physical, material self in the way that appeases our senses and is emotionally based,


it is every truth that we refuse to accept because of our pride or greed or any number of unwholesome sinful ideals that we embrace in the name of our self serving needs,


we all want to hear and believe what we believe is right even if it is morally wrong, we will go so far as make excuses that will enforce these skewed beliefs, we will search out those that will reinforce that selfish version of reality,


deep in our hearts we know these beliefs are wrong but we are too prideful and arrogant to accept other answers, so we twist our reason out of proportion so as to make it seem that we are right,


Information about      Human Wisdom


you would probably like to have some examples of these truths that many of us are unwilling to accept, they will be given here but many of you will not like it but may possibly change your mind after reading these observations,


there is a virus out there that is spreading but can be contained and defeated with our own enlightened mindsets, it isn't Covid but can end up being much more dangerous,


it is the belief of what one single person has been presenting that appeals to the baser wants and or needs of our physical, materials selves,


it is directly appealing to our emotions through the reasoning that our country is under attack and it needs to be defended and made great again,


there is a substantial portion of our population that believe through the use of radical ideas that this change is able to be made to happen,


our previous president has been and is currently attacking the basis of our democracy through unproven lies, his party happens to be the Republican party and the majority of those in this party are in great fear of what he can do to the ones that refuse to follow his particular beliefs,


this in effect has ruined the GOP, those that follow him have turned out to be spineless pawns that have essentially gutted a previously perfectly good party that has done great good for our nation,


there can be no denying that if after the presidential election our previous president after a resonable amount of recounts had conceded to the loss of the election and told all of his followers that he had made a great try of it and he would see them in 2024 for another try, there would be a great possibility that the GOP would still be intact,


instead, this one person has relentlessly pursued this one lie to use all of his followers as pawns in his game to regain power, he has tried to make this a political issue,


but it is clearly a matter of truth and lies, many attempts have been made to prove his lies to no avail, yet he still waves this proverbial carrot of deception under the noses of his followers,


of course, the right wing media outlets have jumped on board with the lies because they intend on cashing in on radicalization of compounding lies and the people that listen to them are happy because they are being told what they want to hear,


this is all about money and power, the truth is irrelevant in their eyes and the apparent end will justify the means in their minds, this virus needs to be stopped and contained,


if everyone was willing to look into their own hearts to realize the truth, they will have to accept the fact that they were wrong for being duped into believing something that has absolutely no basis in truth,


the alternative is what seems to be what is attempting to happen right now, believing conspiracies like the replacement theory is degrading what our democracy is all about,


it is embracing racism and making fascism a replacement for our democracy, it is taking a no brain er situation like outlawing assault weapons and having good background checks for purchasing other weapons and making it about losing our second amendment rights,


come on! Really! An assault weapon is for assaulting not defending,

pistols and or shotguns are more than enough to protect anyone's home,


only law enforcement and the military need assault weapons, but greed has traded our children's lives for the almighty dollar, certain members of the GOP need to be replaced to make all of this nonsense cease,


these are the truths that can set all of us free, assault weapons are only the start for the makings of a civil war that is attempting to make America great again like it was before the previous civil war,


we already have the national guard and local law enforcement to protect us from potential invaders, and with our own rifles, pistols and shotguns we can help if need be,


people need to do their own thinking and stop letting one person that is a compulsive liar and is more likely than not just a domestic terrorist that cares nothing for our democracy subvert our peaceful ways of life,


it is that a great amount of people look to follow people instead of thinking for themselves, another good example is the richest man in the world,


he seems to have great ideas about advancing and improving our world but now it seems that he is letting it go to his head, with his massive amount of followers his cryptic tweets manipulate people into doing his bidding,


the SEC has recognized this and fined him a pittance out of what he actually made for his efforts, a tweet about crypto currency brings it sky high, he sells it and then mentions it has no real intrinsic value,


So it dives, his Twitter bid ploy, made it seem that he was going to open all of Twitter to everyone with no limitations but he conveniently disclosed all of his dealings to make it so public that controversy brought an end to that little experiment of his,


because he is unhappy about paying taxes like the rest of us, he has mentioned that he will now vote republican and was vague as he could possibly be about it in his tweet,


of course this is where he decides to ease his way into politics, sound familiar? Manipulation of the masses by another power hungry billionaire, unfortunately, he has gained many followers for reasons other than politics,


he has enough money to fight allegations about sexual harassment but instead he pays them off to make it all go away, also another familiar repeating situation from a billionaire that wishes to cover his tracks,


since his followers believe he really cares about what they think, a good percentage of them shall willingly become pawns in his agenda,


if people were willing to think on their own accord and see through these deceptions, the truth would end up slapping most of them in the face and our democracy would be much more effective,


there would be much merit in disbanding all of the parties and making all politicians independent, this way everyone would be voted for by their own merit and decisions made in congress and the senate would come from each individuals beliefs,


this would also put an end to the electoral voting process and would leave it all up to the people, period. There would no longer be a (Gang Of Pariah) that sticks together for their own selfish interests instead of the interests of the people,


candidates would all have an equal amount of money for their campaigns instead of greedy, rich self interest companies supporting those that will pursue their interests,


there can then be no reason for civil war as there will no longer be a "them", only a majority of "us" that has elected our officials evenly and fairly,


obviously this is not going to happen in the near future because of the rampant greed and quests for power, neither party will be on board for this because they believe in power in numbers, and that is in the parties, and not the people's,


these are the truths that can set all of us and possibly even the world free, they just need to be embraced and realized so they can begin to come to fruition,


stop being a follower and start being an original thinker, take your own destiny into your own hands with your own original opinions and stop letting others do your thinking for you.

This is the Truth



For those that value the truth above all else, the determination of how this comes about is of paramount importance,


the truth must be sought out and not just accepted coming even from someone that you trust, it must be felt in your heart and not derived from what you wish it to be,


if it is a physical, material truth, it has the ability to be proven or dis-proven by logic and reason, if you believe it can be found on any social network, you are sorely mistaken,


sure, there are instances where something truthful is said and can even be verified by a reputable source, but all people have agendas and you are not always aware of what it might be,


a truthful statement would be that a certain something that has more virtuous intents than otherwise, it would have a basically inert goal, it is not meant to profit or accuse,


it removes the curtain and camouflage to show you what actually is, the truth does not have an agenda, it is inherently selfless in its intentions and only reveals what actually is,


it does not conspire, it does not deceive, it enlightens, it is sad when information is knowingly presented as truth but is actually a deception,


Information about  Where Do I Find Truth



it is even more sad when this information is believed, these believers in such fantasies are doing more than agreeing with a falsehood,


they are lowering themselves and their apparent values to a level that has no credence or validity just for the sake of their own pride,


the worst of it all comes from those that use to be trusted as reporting the truth, news media such as Fox or Newsmax or One America that peddle their profit driven opinions as being factual are only supporters of domestic terrorism,


they seemingly do not care about what is truthful, only what pleases their radical viewers and the cash they spend to watch them,


unfortunately, the political aspect of lying has taken a new low in its advancement of our democracy or should I say the defeat of our democracy,


this all stems from the fearful, spineless support of our previous presidents agenda of revenge, racism and discord, these actions have finally caught up with the truth and are answered in a more profound way,


the first amendment has been abused and is now exacting justice, it will do those that believed these lies to pay attention to the results that come from what is unfolding.

Is AI Truthful?


For all of those that believe AI is the greatest and best thing on the Planet, the brutal truth is that AI is what man has made it, each AI has a creator, and these creators are all human and all have agendas,


initially AI's were made to make certain jobs and functions more easy to accomplish, they had simple jobs that removed monotony from some work and chores, now they are compiling massive amounts of data and are making their own opinions as to what is right or wrong or what is true or false,


unfortunately, opinions make up a good deal of the data that is compiled, depending on the algorithms used and the creators own biases will give answers that are presented in the guise of actual truthful knowledge,


then there is the greed factor, apparent facts may be presented that might reflect what the paying advertisers want to hear told about something that they want to sell,


also there is a limitation of what might be presented to you when some AI is sponsoring some type of search, Google search and Bing search use different search AI's and will give different results for the same input made to them,


it boils down to AI's are ultimately used for making and saving money, if it can help the user, this is just a fringe benefit, it is ultimately up the each individual creator of each AI and their own intentions, aspirations, goals and personal biases that set the stage for what the AI will say for each question submitted to it,


even if the AI is set up to be non biased and take all of the homogeneous data and make its own determinations, it still is just a conglomeration of what a large sampling of human opinions may think,


AI's have been proven to be manipulated by results that come from AI chat rooms, they can surely be trained to give bigoted responses,


it is still best to use your own cognitive skills and research facts on your own before trusting some computer program for giving only truthful or factual answers.



How to derive the Truth


You may read much or listen to certain people speak and wish to determine if what you read or what they say is the truth or not, if this even seems to cross your mind, you will seem to have a conscious,


this is a good thing considering that many people just get emotionally swept away with what they may read or hear and will put their trust in just one source, not even knowing or possibly even caring about any possible agendas involved,


fortunately, there are still those that wish to know the truth even though it may tug at their pride and even possibly be something that they don't want to hear, these are the people that know themself to the point of not being afraid of the actual truth,


they are not deluded by emotional bias that promises that which cannot be delivered, they know their own short comings, so knowing the agendas of others is no longer any great feat, they can see through the deceptions and gladly remove the veil of ignorance and reveal the true light of truth or at least be able to tell if they are being bull shitted,


when it comes to things that can be proven or disproved, there is a moral majority that seems to follow the evolutionary process more carefully, the number one rated news outlets try to play the numbers games and choose to appease those that are looking for what they want to hear,


they don't necessarily care that what they present is the truth or not, they just know what the niche of people they are shooting for wants to hear and they give it to them so that they may stay on top,


Who is Prone to believing lies?


it would be best to forget these guys and look for some journalistic integrity, some award winners would be your best bet instead of those that have been taken to court for big bucks,


the media outlets that use fact checkers are more liable to give factual, unbiased information even though it appears otherwise, still, you do have some pride and you do wish to believe you make wise choices so doing your own due diligence would be your best bet when trying to derive the truth from what you read or hear,


try not to be swept away with emotions and keep some level headed reasoning and you will be able to recognize the agendas behind all of the hype.



Telling the Truth to Friends


You may have many opinions that you actually believe are the truth, and you are willing to tell your friends these so called truths and feel that they are the only way to believe in each given subject,


so who is this really speaking? And what motivations are presented to your so called friends for these views? Many of us have our own agendas and many of us choose to believe what we wish to believe because of our own biases,


what we may determine as the truth is nothing more than repeating another s opinion, when we allow ourselves to be drug into someone's web of lies and deceit, we unknowingly pass this agenda on to others,


we choose to pick some media station as our go to news information, when in actuality it is an opinion station that just says what it takes to get their ratings higher, unfortunately, Fox news is one of these stations,


even though they seem to have a mix now of some actual journalism along with their shock opinions they still cannot be trusted as to their intentions overall, it is still best to view news from a variety of sources,


reputable journalism that does not take sides is starting to become rare, fact checking is one of the last pillars of support for true journalism, Fox news most definitely has an agenda, and mostly it involves some sort of generation of controversy to increase their ratings,


unfortunately these days, far right opinions have very few facts to support them and it is making the GOP look bad, hopping on this band wagon seems to be the new radical popular ride even though it isn't how people would really live their lives if they had to uptake these views themselves as a personal choice,


like the Washington Examiner, they are quick to criticize anything that is Democrat but has nothing good to say about the GOP, their biases are overwhelmingly obvious, they are also considered an opinion outlet,


your choices that you choose to deem factual and pass to your friends are your business, just remember that your choices follow you in all aspects of your life,


it is interesting that so called conservative media outlets seem to be the new boat rocker radicals, they make claims of facts but only present opinions from the far right,


they filter all information so it is tailored for their money making base of viewers and make sure it is something they want to hear,


factuality is not in the equation, only the preservation of delusion, so if telling the truth to your friends is important to you,


pay attention to where you get your information and don't end up being someone else's puppet.



Is Social Media Harmful?



There are many social media platforms available to everyone and with the access to AI and all of the countries that see the USA as a threat, manipulation of social media has become a reality that is in dire need of being noticed,


Russia, China, Iran and any other country that needs to pit the American people against themselves will and do take advantage of all of the social media platforms by infiltration by gaining followers by choosing popular problems as a rallying cry and undercutting the true problems that are destroying our democracy from within,


people are so enamored by any and everything that happens to come from their particular social media and the threads that they follow that they fail to look any further past those that they follow,


and in most cases, they do not even know these people, they only know that they agree with some other subject that they care about and this is how these propagandists get their proverbial foot on the door so to speak,


what they should actually be doing is pursuing other avenues of news and data to back up and verify what they are being told as the current captured audience,


I do not care to take political stances but am currently alarmed as to how the GOP is acting, I am currently a registered republican but am ashamed at the spinelessness and the ability they have to sell out their principles that have changed the "Grand ole Party" to the "Gang of Pariah"


you can read how the current republican candidate for president wishes to run the country from his own words on the Time Magazine interview here > Read the Full Transcripts of Donald Trump's Interviews With TIME, this beckons the question if this is who you really wish to run our country, then why?


All of these threads on the various social networks fail to mention this because it would actually open the eyes of those that were blindly following those with a hidden agenda of tearing our country apart,


social media should not be an all in experience, it should present views and those views should be compared to other views,


then and only then should any determination be made, you don't want to be the puppet of some unknown power and carry out their bidding,


the current republican party is a bad joke that cares more about power than our country, you should try reading or watching some politico articles and see what the republicans find urgent in our country sometime and see how our republican run house is fairing for yourself,


it doesn't help that the conservative media outlet Fox is pressing their opinions in lieu of facts, they might as well be in bed with these other non- democratic countries that wish to destroy our democracy,


don't be a rube and believe all that you read on your social media, do some due diligence and search some national networks for other opinions.